Trout Unlimited's El Dorado Chapter is managed by it's Board of Directors. The Board in turn plans to perform work by using volunteer members organized into committees. Chapter activities have been implemented by the Board. We have identified Chapter Outreach activity which will require broader participation. Members and non members alike are invited to step forward and volunteer for what can be an activity filled year.
El Dorado TU has been organized for less than one year yet has been active in establishing a presence in the region. See our Action List for the listing of our progress. We are also on the threshold of some projects with the El Dorado NFS in the coming year.
The Chapter will establish working groups whose members shall volunteer or be selected by the lead of each group. Members are encouraged to volunteer with the group of their choice.
- MEMBERSHIP - responsible for membership services, membership lists and efforts to recruit and retain members, greet newcomers, and coordinate fishing and angling programs and other activities designed to provide fun and entertainment for members and guests.
- EDUCATION - responsible for community outreach, education programs and youth activities.
- CONSERVATION - responsible for activities and projects in support of Trout Unlimited's conservation agenda.
- OUTREACH - responsible for member notification of events.
- NEWSLETTER - responsible for preparation of periodic newsletters to members.
- WEBSITE - responsible for the preparation of content, editing and publishing of the web-site.
- FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT - responsible for chapter fundraising to support operations and conservation activity.
- NOMINATING - shall assist the Board of Directors and officers with leadership development and submit a slate of candidates for elections.
- EXECUTIVE - shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and the immediate past-president as ex officio member.
Current group membership follows:
- Outreach Jann Williams
- Web Site Stanley Backlund
- Communications Vacant
- Conservation Vacant
- Youth Education Vacant
- Membership Stanley Backlund
- Nominations Lou Archuleta
- Fund Raising Vacant
- Fly Tying and Casting Lew Archuletta
- Monofilament Collection Vacant
- Fishing/Georgetown Derby C P Johnston