Can you volunteer to serve on a committee or work on a conservation topic? Can you assist with meeting arrangements? Do you have suggestions for chapter activities or projects? Contact us and let us know your ideas. Volunteers are necessary to successful chapter function. We have about 140 registered members. Please step up and help out where you can.
Can you submit an article for publication in the website? We want members and users to contribute to the content of the site. Articles are sought in the following categories:
Articles: Submit an article on any subject of interest to the members and users. It can be a narrative, forward an article from another source, a conservation or fish topic, a report of observations or a report of a trip.
Stream Reports:Submit a stream report after your outings in the county. Tell us about stream flow, water condition, environmental conditions, fish, etc. Are the conditions healthy or do you see features needing correction, eg. environmental damage or debris. We desire to assemble a library of all of the streams in the county which can serve as a reference and guide development of conservation projects. It may also provide data of interest to the fisherman.
Fish Tales: Yes, just what it sounds like. Tell us of your fishing experiences, locations and results. Feel free to keep your special spots hidden. Photo images are welcomed.
Photo Images: Send in your images of your outings, chapter activity, field observations, whatever. A brief background story would be appreciated.
The El Dorado Chapter of Trout Unlimited is managed by the following Board of Directors:
President- Vacant
Vice President- Vacant
Secretary- Vacant
Treasurer- Jann Williams
Directors at Large- C. P. Johnston, Stanley Backlund, Bruce Butler, John Sikora
E-Mail communication with the Board is through "
US Mail should be addressed to El Dorado TU, PO Box 1605, Placerville, CA 95667